As most painters will tell you, painting ceilings are a pain. Your shoulders quickly get tired, and paint seems to get in your eyes no matter what. But they need to get done! So how do we do them?
Tip 1: Make sure you know the type of ceiling you're applying paint to. If you're working with a flat ceiling, make sure to test whether the last applied top coat was oil or latex-based paint (acetone test kits can be found at your local paint store). If it's oil, you'll have to apply a primer coat beforehand to make sure your latex top coat adheres, or you can simply use an oil top coat and avoid the prime coat altogether.
Tip 2: If your ceiling is a popcorn-style ceiling, DO NOT APPLY LATEX PAINT. The risk here is that this type of ceiling can actually be quite fragile. If latex paint is applied here, there is real risk that the paint will be too heavy and quite literally cause your ceiling to "sag." To avoid this, use an oil-based ceiling paint.
Tip 3: Make sure to paint PERPENDICULAR to the window that lets in the most light. If the ceiling is rolled parallel to the window, it will create lap marks (i.e. the double layer where two rolling patterns overlap) even once the paint dries and cures. If there are multiple windows presenting this issue, choose the one where light will be the strongest or longest during the day.
Happy painting!